Delhi to Agra Same Day Tour By Car
Taj Mahal Sunrise and Agra Tour By Car

Taj Mahal Sunrise and Agra Tour By Car

Duration: 1 Day

Destinations: Delhi – Agra – Delhi

A sunrise tour to the Taj Mahal from Delhi is a popular option for visitors who want to experience the beauty of this iconic monument in the soft morning light. Here's a general outline of how such a tour might be organized:

Detail Itinerary

Departure from Delhi:

You would typically start your journey from Delhi very early in the morning, usually around 2:30 AM to 3:30 AM, depending on the distance between Delhi and Agra (where the Taj Mahal is located). The drive can take around 3 to 4 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Arrival in Agra:

You'll reach Agra before sunrise, aiming to get to the Taj Mahal complex just as the sun begins to rise.

Arrival in Agra:

Upon arriving in Agra, you will be greeted by a representative or a tour guide who will accompany you throughout the day. The guide will provide you with important information about the city and its historical significance.

Taj Mahal Visit:

Upon arrival at the Taj Mahal complex, you can witness the stunning beauty of the monument as the sun starts to rise. The soft morning light and the relatively fewer crowds during the early hours can create a magical atmosphere.

Guided Tour and Free Time:

Many tour packages include the services of a local guide who can provide you with historical and cultural insights about the Taj Mahal and its significance. After the guided tour, you might have some free time to explore the complex on your own, take photographs, and enjoy the serene ambiance.


After visiting the Taj Mahal, you might be taken to a local restaurant in Agra for breakfast.

Visit to Agra Fort (Optional):

Depending on the tour package, you might have the option to visit the Agra Fort after breakfast. The Agra Fort is another historical monument in Agra that holds significance and offers a glimpse into India's history.

Return to Delhi:

After the tour is complete, you'll be driven back to Delhi. You might reach Delhi by early afternoon or late afternoon,depending on the itinerary and traffic.

Note :

It's important to note that the timing and specifics of the tour can vary based on the tour operator you choose and the package you select. Additionally, entry to the Taj Mahal requires purchasing tickets, and these might be included in your tour package. Make sure to clarify all the details and costs with the tour operator before confirming your booking.

One Day Agra Tour